Idaho Impressions, Inc. - Lewiston
Beverly Endebrock owns Idaho Impressions, Inc. in Lewiston. Her continual drive for expansion and her entrepreneurial spirit drove her to purchase a 72UVR DisplayMaker, a specialized printing device. This $100,000 investment in her business gave her increased capabilities and an increased capacity not yet fully realized.
Before she purchased the equipment, local businesses that needed certain specialized printing had to look to providers in
Endebrock believes there is a large market for the new services Idaho Impressions provides and she is working to make local businesses aware of the new capabilities. The 72UVR DisplayMaker allows for a significant increase in production output and quality, as well as the opportunity to print on new materials. Idaho Impressions is just beginning to understand the economic impact the 72UVR DisplayMaker is going to have on its business.
The 72UVR DisplayMaker is made for high volume production and has prompted Endebrock to look for new markets, including government contracts. The
With a winning team and the resources available through the Idaho SBDC, Idaho Impressions is starting 2007 with a vision of expanding sales and entering new markets.
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