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Upcoming Events and Workshops

SBDC Day Celebration: Your Guiding Light

Wed, Mar 16 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Topic: Special Interest

Join the Idaho Small Business Development Center as we come together to CELEBRATE our Annual #SBDC Day on March 16th!

What is #SBDC Day?
SBDC Day is a national, collective proclamation of the impact America’s Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) have on the success of our nation’s dreamers, innovators, and doers – America’s small businesses.

SBDC Day unites the nearly 1,000 SBDC centers across the country and the hundreds of thousands of clients they serve by sharing, in real time, the success stories and notable impacts SBDCs collectively have on the small business community at large.


  • Our Clients and their successes.
  • SBDC Impact in Idaho

Register Today for this FREE online event and join us as we CELEBRATE.....SMALL BUSINESSES!

Speaker(s): Bryan Matsuoka, Regional Director - ISBDC Twin Falls Will Fowler, Associate State Director of Operations - ISBDC Boise Marie Baker, Regional Director - ISBDC Boise Ann Swanson, Regional Director - ISBDC Pocatello Irene Gonzalez - U.S. SBA *Special Guest Attendee

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 208-732-6450
Our Host Universities & Affiliates
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Logo for Lewis-Clark State College
Logo for Idaho State University
Logo for North Idaho College
Logo for College of Southern Idaho
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