Empowering Small Business Workshop - Mini-Cassia County Area
Mini-Cassia County - Thursday, June 30, 2022
If you have a small business, planning to start a business or would like to learn about opportunities for the health of business in your community join us for this NO COST workshop that will help you gain in-depth quality information for growth, expansion, innovation, and financial strength!
This workshop aims to equip our local businesses with tools for continued learning and growth during the ongoing recovery efforts from the Covid-19 pandemic. As a joint effort, the Idaho Small Business Development Center and Region IV Development Association are here to assist and guide established or new small businesses with:
- Development Planning
- Small Business Assistance
- Current Region IV Dev. Loan Programs
- Networking Opportunity
- Special Bonus!! Clifton StrengthFinder Engagement!
Special Presentation about the "NEW" Brownfield Revitalization Program that focuses on re-development of possibly contaminated property sites.
- Seating is limited
- Lunch will be provided
Mini-Cassia County - Thursday, June 30, 2022
Best Western Plus
800 N. Overland Avenue
Burley, Idaho 83318
Fee: No Cost